Coming Home

Coming Home

Photography by Richard Kurowski | In collaboration with Leatt



The search for adventure can take us to all corners of the world, and understandably so. The world is full of beautiful places to explore. Occasionally, though, you can find that adventure right in your own backyard.

And that’s exactly what our friends at Leatt did. To test out an all-new range of ADV protective gear that they recently developed, they went back to their roots, to the place where it all began: Cape Town, South Africa. Nestled just beyond the dynamic city center lies an extensive network of some of the world's most exceptional adventure tracks. It’s a vast expanse of riding terrain that stretches out toward the horizon, inviting any thrill-seeker to strap on their goggles and open the throttle.

Alone on the bike, surrounded by endless possibilities, the excitement begins to course through your veins. Your senses become heightened, your eyes and ears focusing to pick out every necessary detail. Your hands feel the vibration of the handlebars through the gloves, aware of every shift in weight and direction. You enter the flow state, and once you’ve had a taste, it’s impossible to forget it.

There’s a palpable feeling of ancient human history in South Africa, and you can’t help but sense a special connection with the land. The wilderness presents itself without ostentation. A scan of the horizon might reveal a herd of giraffes or elephants. Experiencing the might of some of the biggest animals in their natural setting is both humbling and deeply enriching.

Riders Travis Teasdale and Llewelyn Pavey made sure to take it all in.

An unforgettable week exploring endless trails and breathtaking views. Full tanks, comfy gear, and enjoying the roads where tar meets dirt. What an adventure.” – Travis Teasdale

I've been lucky to travel quite a bit by bike, but Africa is something else. Empty expanses, stunning scenery and great riding can be found on every continent. But nothing makes you feel vulnerable like the true, gnarly wildlife here. Amazing experience. Amazing place.” - Llewelyn Pavey 

No matter where you come from, every adventurer is united by that tug on the heart, the delight in the daring, and the bravery to go out and test your personal boundaries.

Explore your limits – you might discover something in yourself you never knew existed.

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